PR Newswire
RALEIGH, N.C., Dec. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Curtis Mathes Corporation (OTC: TLED) will be presenting a booth at the forthcoming OK Cannabis Expo on February 10-11 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Curtis Mathes Grow Lights, Inc. (CMGL) will be featuring their industry-leading, ETL-certified HarvesterÒ LED grow light system in an effort to continue to expand upon their customer base in the flourishing Oklahoma cannabis market. Cannabis Industrial Marketplace states this is the largest Oklahoma Cannabis Expo and Summit for 2021. For more information about this unique event please follow the link below.
“This is an excellent opportunity for us to expand our reach in Oklahoma,” said Tina Crawford, Director of Operations at Curtis Mathes Corporation, “So far folks love the effects that the HarvesterÒ has on their plants. They are also able to expand their operations more rapidly thanks to the many benefits of our leasing program.”
This will be CMGL’s first in-person event since the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic. Curtis Mathes Corporation is committed to public safety and hygenic business practices, and is already exploring opportunities to utilize bactericidal and virucidal lighting technologies such as UV-C LEDs in the development of various commercial products.
“We’re looking forward to interacting with aspiring growers and other prospective customers that are looking to make their mark on the Oklahoma market,” said Zacariah Hildenbrand, Chief Scientific Officer & Board Member of Curtis Mathes Corporation, “Tight internodal spacing, dense bud structure, and an improved plant metabolism. This is the feedback that we’ve been receiving from HarvesterÒ customers in Oklahoma to-date and we relish the opportunity to convey these sentiments with others.”
About Curtis Mathes Corporation (OTC: TLED): Curtis Mathes Corporation is focused on research, development, manufacturing, and sales of state-of-the-art Solid-State Lighting (SSL) in various frequency-specific lighting technologies industries. / / YouTube® Channel
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SOURCE Light Engine Design Corp.