Dresner Advisory Services Publishes 2020 Big Data Analytics Market Study

NASHUA, N.H., Dec. 23, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dresner Advisory Services today published the 2020 Big Data Market Study, part of its Wisdom of Crowds series of research. Big data analytics are systems that enable end-user access to, and analysis of, data contained and managed within the broader open source and Hadoop ecosystems.

The 6th annual report examines end user trends and intentions surrounding big data analytics. It explores changing market dynamics and user perceptions and plans.

“Big data analytics ranks 26th of 37 technologies and initiatives considered strategic to business intelligence,” said Howard Dresner, founder and chief research officer at Dresner Advisory. “We see an interest among Executive Management respondents, which may be an indication that big data initiatives have the attention of organizational leaders.”

Viewed by industry, Healthcare and Financial Services are mostly likely to say they currently use big data. Current adoption is notably strongest within very large businesses and institutions. According to the study, the top big data use cases are “forecasting” and “data warehouse optimization” followed by “customer/social analysis”.

“Use cases that gained year-over-year momentum include customer/social analysis and predictive maintenance,” said Jim Ericson, vice president and research director at Dresner Advisory. “Interestingly, some widely-touted use cases for big data, including clickstream analytics, fraud detection, and Internet of Things, are less important use cases among this year’s respondents.”

Wisdom of Crowds® research is based on data collected on usage and deployment trends, products, and vendors. Users in all roles and throughout all industries contributed to provide a complete view of realities, plans, and perceptions of the market. For more information visit www.dresneradvisory.com.

About Dresner Advisory Services

Dresner Advisory Services was formed by Howard Dresner, an independent analyst, author, lecturer, and business adviser. Dresner Advisory Services, LLC focuses on creating and sharing thought leadership for Business Intelligence (BI), Performance Management, and related areas.

Press contact:
Danielle Guinebertiere
Dresner Advisory Services
[email protected]
978 254 5587