HireVue Leads the Industry with Commitment to Transparent and Ethical Use of AI in Hiring

  • O’Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing Reviews HireVue’s AI Algorithms

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HireVue, the global leader in video interviewing, assessments, chatbot and recruiting automation technology, today made two announcements to extend its leadership position defining the transparent and appropriate use of AI and software as part of the hiring process.

HireVue released the results of an algorithmic audit by O’Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing (ORCAA). The audit concluded that “[HireVue] assessments work as advertised with regard to fairness and bias issues.” ORCAA’s CEO and founder, Cathy O’Neil, and her team audited an assessment used in hiring early career candidates (including from college campuses) as a representative use case that was developed with HireVue’s methodology. Moving forward, HireVue and ORCAA will continue to collaborate on ways to further enhance HireVue’s offerings. As a result, HireVue aims to set a high industry bar for candidate transparency and equality of access.

Independently, early in 2020, HireVue proactively removed the visual analysis component from all of its new assessments. HireVue’s internal research demonstrated that recent advances in natural language processing had significantly increased the predictive power of language. With these advances, visual analysis no longer significantly added value to assessments. HireVue published a review of these supporting findings.

“Democratizing the hiring process for candidates and employers is the foundation on which HireVue stands. Our news today reaffirms HireVue’s leadership role in defining the best, most appropriate use of AI in hiring, and our commitment to rigorous, ongoing measurement of the impact our software has on individual candidates, our customers, and society as a whole,” said Kevin Parker, Chairman and CEO of HireVue. “Along the way, we adhere to a strict set of ethical principles that ensures both employer and candidate are assured of a fair, diverse and inclusive hiring journey.”

Ongoing Commitment to Fairness

HireVue has a long, established track record delivering science-led ethical AI solutions for hiring:

  • The company follows established best practices in the field of IO Psychology and data privacy, so that our assessments meet the strict standards of fairness from agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the American Psychological Association (to name a few).
  • In 2019 HireVue became the first HR technology company to create an expert advisory board and publicly release a set of AI ethical principles. HireVue undertook these steps knowing that transparency, concrete guideposts, and the input of experts is the best way to uphold their principles.
  • HireVue supports the Illinois Artificial Intelligence Video Interview Act (AIVIA), and the company is open to ongoing involvement in conversations around the regulation and use of AI in hiring.

More details on our commitment to AI Ethics and standards can be found at www.hirevue.com/why-hirevue/ai-ethics

For access to the ORCAA report visit https://www.hirevue.com/resources/orcaa-report

About HireVue

HireVue is where hiring happens – transforming the way organizations discover, engage, and hire the best talent. Connecting companies and candidates anytime, anywhere, HireVue’s industry leading end-to-end hiring platform features video interviewing, assessments and conversational AI. HireVue has hosted more than 18 million video interviews and 114M chat-based candidate engagements for over 700 customers around the globe.

Press Contact

Andrea Judson-Torres
Highwire PR
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