Hamilton ETFs Announces November 2020 Distributions for HCA, HCAL

Hamilton ETFs Announces November 2020 Distributions for HCA, HCAL

Hamilton Capital Partners Inc. (“Hamilton ETFs”) is pleased to announce the monthly cash distributions for its Hamilton Canadian Bank Mean Reversion Index ETF (ticker “HCA”) and Hamilton Canadian Bank 1.25x Leverage ETF (ticker “HCAL”), both of which trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange, for the month ended November 30, 2020.

The ex-dividend date for each distribution is anticipated to be November 27, 2020, for all unitholders of record on November 30, 2020. The distributions will be paid in cash, or if the unitholder has enrolled in the dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), reinvested in additional units of the ETF, on or about December 10, 2020.

ETF name


Regular Cash

Distribution per unit

Annualized yield (1)


Hamilton Canadian Bank Mean Reversion Index ETF





Hamilton Canadian Bank 1.25x Leverage ETF





  1. Calculated using the November 20, 2020 net asset value per unit for each ETF, which is available at www.hamiltonetfs.com.

Distributions will vary from period to period.

About Hamilton Capital Partners Inc.

Hamilton ETFs is a Canadian investment manager specializing in the global financial services sector, with a portfolio management team boasting over 60 years of combined experience. The firm’s specialized investment focus is driven by proprietary research, analysis, and analytical tools. Hamilton ETFs is also an active commentator on the global financial services sector; the firm’s most recent Insights can be found at www.hamiltonetfs.com/insights-commentary.

Patrick Sommerville, Partner, Head of Business Development, 416-941-9250, [email protected]

David Kidane, Regional Director, Business Development, 416-941-9681, [email protected]

Andréanne Dumais, Regional Director, Business Development, 416-941-9996, [email protected]

KEYWORDS: North America Canada

INDUSTRY KEYWORDS: Banking Professional Services Finance

