Conference Spotlights the Latest Scientific Breakthroughs in Longevity Medicine
Boca Raton, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Concludes the 28th Annual World Congress
The 28th Annual World Congress | The Science of Longevity: Exploring the Limits of the Human Lifespan concluded on Sunday, December 13th. Delivered entirely online for the first since its inception, the highly anticipated event provided clinicians from around the world with direct access to over 30 renowned clinical educators, 5 in-depth clinical tracks, 30 advanced educational sessions, 8 product theater presentations, 40 featured industry sponsors, and more—all from the safety and comfort of their homes. Centered on the latest knowledge in longevity medicine, the conference delivered actionable, and clinically transformative solutions for clinicians to improve patient health spans.
Prior to the official start of the Congress, the Academy delivered two pre-conference events: the Pain & Cannabinoid Medicine Update and the Lab Fundamentals Workshop. Led by industry leading experts such as Drs. Wade Cooper, DO of the University of Michigan, Joseph Maroon, MD of the University of Pittsburgh, and more, these pre-conference workshops delivered in-depth expertise on valuable tools that participants could integrate immediately into practice.
The conference officially commenced on December 12th, with opening remarks delivered by A4M Educational Director, Dr. Andrew Heyman, MD, MHSA on the current state of healthcare and the future trajectory of longevity-based medicine. General sessions continued with presentations on topics such as fasting, hormones and immunocompetence, and the Wahls protocols from world-renowned clinicians Drs. Valter Longo, PhD, Thierry Hertoghe, MD, and Terry Wahls, MD respectively. The remainder of the day was divided into three separate educational tracks: regenerative therapies, the aging brain, and a non-cme track centered on cutting edge therapeutic options.
Day two of the conference began with a wide array of general sessions topics from industry experts including a presentation on the evolutionary gender differences role in longevity from Dr. Felice Gersh, the latest bio-hacking tools from Dave Asprey, and more. The conference continued with three subsequent tracks: the Longevity Toolbox, Immunocompetency and Aging, and the New Key to Vascular Health.
Additionally, 40 companies participated through the event’s Company Spotlight page—an interactive page that allowed attendees to browse through the latest tools, resources, and services at their convenience.
On the success of the conference, A4M’s educational directors remarked:
“What an amazing weekend of the latest and cutting edge science in longevity medicine and prolonging human Health Span. We had world class clinicians and scientists from major academia and private sector teaching our attendees from around the globe the latest science and tools to expand our Health Span. So honored to be part of the academic programming committee where A4M has and continues to be the global leader in functional and longevity medicine education.” – Sahar Swidan, PharmD, BCPS, ABAAHP, FAARFM, FACA | Director of Professional Programming, A4M
“The A4M Congress on Longevity Medicine was a great success! World class speakers. Incredible cutting edge content. And a huge online audience. I am so proud to be a part of this leading education organization. It is without peer as a global leader in Anti Aging and Regenerative Medicine. We will continue to maintain our high standards of academic excellence in 2021 and I look forward to all the new wonderful programs in the coming year.”
– Andrew Heyman, MD, MHSA | Director of Academic Affairs, A4M
Delivered during a undeniably transformative, challenging, and revealing year in modern medicine, the 28th edition of the Annual Anti-Aging World Congress delivered timely clinical pearls for practitioners seeking to improve the quality of patient health spans, and ultimately build a new and more resilient standard of healthcare.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) 561-997-0112 [email protected]